Mikaella Polyviou, Tim Richards, and Gene Schneller lead the Supply Chain Resilience Initiative.
Featured research
Peer-reviewed journal publications
- Handfield, R., Finkenstadt, D. J., Schneller, E. S., Godfrey, A. B., & Guinto, P. (2020). A Commons for Supply Chain in the Post‐COVID‐19 Era: The Case for a Reformed Strategic National Stockpile. The Milbank Quarterly, 98(4), 1058-1090.
A commons for supply chain in the post-COVID-19 era
- Ambulkar, S., Ralston, P.M., Polyviou, M. and Sanders, N. (2023). Frequent Supply Chain Disruptions and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Exploitation, Exploration and Supply Chain Ambidexterity. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 53(10): 1261–1285.
- Polyviou, M., Wiedmer, R., Chae, S., Rogers, Z.S., and Mena, C. (2023). To Concentrate or to Diversify the Supply Base? Implications from the U.S. Apparel Supply Chain During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Business Logistics 44(3): 502–527.
- Wiedmer, R., Rogers, Z.S., Polyviou, M., Mena, C. and Chae, S. (2021). The Dark and Bright Sides of Complexity: A Dual Perspective on Supply Network Resilience. Journal of Business Logistics, 42(3), 336–359. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbl.12264
- Polyviou, M., Croxton, K.L., and Knemeyer, A.M. (2020). Resilience of Medium-Sized Firms to Supply Chain Disruptions: The Role of Internal Social Capital. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40(1), 68–91.
- Chenarides, L., Manfredo, M., & Richards, T. J. (2021). COVID‐19 and Food Supply chains. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(1), 270-279. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/aepp.13085
- Richards, T. J., & Rutledge, Z. (2023). Food System Labor and Bargaining Power. Food Policy, 119, 102502. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306919223001008
- Lowrey, J. D., Richards, T. J., & Hamilton, S. F. (2023). Food Donations, Retail Operations, and Retail Pricing. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(2), 792-810. https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/msom.2022.1185
- Wang, L., Rabinovich, E., & Richards, T. J. (2022). Scalability in Platforms for Local Groceries: An Examination of Indirect Network Economies. Production and Operations Management, 31(1), 318-340.
- Lim, S. F. W., Richards, T. J., Rabinovich, E., & Choi, M. (2022). Scan Based Trading and Bargaining Equilibrium: A Structural Estimation of Supply Chain Profit. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(4), 2328-2348.
- Richards, T. J., & Rickard, B. (2020). COVID-19 Impacts on Fruit and Vegetable Markets. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(2020): 189-194.
- Richards, T. J., & Rutledge, Z.. (2023). Labor Shortages and Agricultural Truck Rates. Forthcoming, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Reports for sponsored research
- ASU – AzCHER Study of the Needs of the Arizona Health Ecosystem: Building Resilience in the Arizona Healthcare System
- Rabinovich, E., Lim, S., Richards, T. J. & Chenarides, L (2023). Food Supply Chain Disruptions: Market-Based Resilience Strategies." National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, USDA.
- Richards, T. J., & Rutledge, Z. (2023). Labor Supply, Demand, and Bottlenecks in the Trucking Industry. Research, Education, and Economics Division, Economic Research Service, USDA.
- Chenarides, L., Richards, T. J., & Cakir, M. (2021). Dollar Stores, Market Entry, Food Security, and Market Impacts. National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, USDA.
- Chenarides, L., Manfredo, M., & Richards, T. J.. COVID-19 and Agricultural Supply Chains. Economic Research Service, USDA.
- Richards, T. J., Hamilton, S. F., & Gundersen, C. (2020). Food Banks, Food Retailing, and Food Insecurity. National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, USDA.
- Richards, T. J., Hamilton, S. F., Gomez, M., & Yonezawa, K. (2018). Big Data and Food Loss Mitigation in the Supply Chain. National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, USDA.
Non-refereed industry articles
- Fiksel, J., Polyviou, M., Croxton, K.L., and Pettit, T.J. (2015). From Risk to Resilience: Learning to Deal with Disruption. Sloan Management Review, 56(2), 79–86. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/from-risk-to-resilience-learning-to-deal-with-disruption/
- Eckler, J., Schneller, E., and Polyviou, M. Building Supply Chain Resilience in the Arizona Healthcare System. 2022. Arizona Coalition for Healthcare Resiliency Response. https://azcher.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/01-AzCHERMedSupplyChainIntegrityAssessment_FINAL.pdf
Videos and webinars
Our community
The SCRI is well-positioned within Arizona State University and the W. P. Carey School of Business — America's most innovative university and largest business school, with a strong focus on supply chain management and agribusiness. Consistently ranked among the Top 5 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, the Department of Supply Chain Management brings together scholars in management, sourcing, logistics, and operations management — core competency areas for supply chain resilience research. The Morrison School of Agribusiness is also ranked among the top schools for agribusiness and agricultural economics in the world, and is the only agribusiness department contained within a top-30 business school. The W. P. Carey School of Business is also home to leading programs in management, information systems, business analytics, finance, and economics – all key to developing organization – and system-wide research on advancing resilience at a fundamental level in the U.S. economy.
The SCRI has a strong commitment and involvement with government and the practice community and cross-industry engagement through its association with CAPS Research, the Institute for Supply Management, the Supply Chain Executive Consortium, and the Council of Supply Chain Executives.